(Always feel free to volunteer by spreading this site's address and info.THANK U) Email Chris @- ctellez99@
yahoo.com Or P.O. Box 2566 Chgo, IL 60690 |
"Sustainability,!!!"... and, "Human Rights'!!!"... ...Intersectionality; Whole-sight, Marginalized and Intentionality/ Fatal Conforming, Minimizing Issues, All Sociopathy etc, and the urgency of these matters we all see in a single day need be addressed here also. Forced situations and careers being considered human trafficking, debt bondage as forced, dwelling place as forced ie economic apartheid, Constitutional meaningful work.../ Interchangeable Progressive Conservative.. An area of special interest is International Citizenship as well as population control ie. Indoctrination, Race Imposition, social construct programming- consumer media, electronic cyber-security as a Human Rights Issue (all cognitive, https://www.businessinsider.com/brain-control-weapon-warnings-show-concern-for-china-military-research-2022-2); with concepts that attempt to address mass polarization. Cultivating racial barriers via. extreme dialogues (ownership, fascism) that jeopardize our personal freedom to self identify in a non-bias way, Commercializing and Cannibalizing, even by labeling others via any commonly used construct will be an issue here. (census)... Let us promote individual leadership skills to take on all roles!!!..cognitive and critical thinking.. I 'VE NEVER Paid ADVERTISED THIS SITE'S CONTENT(est.2004, by:me)- ITS' GROWTH IS DEPENDENT UPON YOU, ALREADY COMING CLOSE TO Really TOTALLY CHANGING THE FACE OF THIS WORLD-1000's Unique Visits Daily (Due To An Abrupt Closing Of The Host Site For Unknown reasons All Previous 1000 Alexa Links; Your External Support Links Have Expired, I Am So Very Sorry- A Truly Notable Event In The History Of Humanity). Rest Assured That I Have Video Recorded The Journey I Have Also Endured,... With Literally Countless Of Hours Of Issues That Many Face Ie. intimidation and stalking. Perhaps I Shall Release This Graphic Footage Of Unique Significance One Day-For Now, Keep On Dreaming And Believe (Actually am now in the process of releasing via Youtube 01/21/14). https://www.youtube.com/user/ctellez99 posted 3/22/2014 see Blog For Cost Efficient Ways To Videograph Substantial Portions Of Your Own Experience All For The Price Of A Monthly Cell Phone Service Bill..We Have The Intellect And Technology Which Demands Of Us A Totally Peaceful Culture, Yes Technology Too.. An Healthy And Academic Global Free-Moving Society, Is The Only Possible Choice For Homeland Security Towards Your Home And Community..Implement Total Training (On-site Expansive Schooling Even and Compact days) In Profession..A Call For Major Societal Reform Is (Constantly) At Hand Regarding Maintaing and Sustaining Attitudes Towards All Human Relationships And All Reproduction/ Gender Bias, Gender Blaming, And Gender Stereotyping Is Our Issue Today #Me Too# https://twitter.com/hashtag/metoo #Times Up#..Stop Instant Brutality, Be A Friend, Start The Cycle, Any Genuine Answer Is An Ongoing Matter/ (Tackling Intersectionality, Criminal Justice, International Citizenry, Safe Places/ Forced Careers, Race Imposition, Early Stem, Intentionality- Population Control/ Cyber-security, Electronic harassment, Fair Wages-CEO training; Never Enough see.Gig Work flexibility) Feed The World, Heal The World, Educate The World ..Be Positive, Expect It, Rally For It (Be The Good Guy!!!) One Class "We Have Dealt With Racial And Identity ISsues Another Has Set,..As Well As Issues Of Our Own Making" End Suppression of Intersectionality Now!!!... Happy Fall!!!..... PLEASE COPY AND SPREAD THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL THANK YOU. (https://www.youtube.com/user/ctellez99) Labelism- There Must Be For There To Be/ Challenge The Notion Of Indefinite Boundaries As You Value The Sanctity Of Human Life/ Preconceived, In Use Overcoming prejudices And Group Accountability In Matters, This Dialogue Here Only/ Constitutionality, Morality, Religiosity/ All Issues Open To All Whom Have A total Human Experience With Every Subject Matter; Maintaining A Dedicated Moral Compass Steeped In Innovation/ This Is The Nature Of Things, Also, Total Circumstance/ Embracing As well As Performing, Teaching Alongside Learning, All Profound, Present, Inspection, Every Word And Gesture However Contains, Assertive, Address An Idea The Situation Passively, Wisdom- You Matter To Me/ Perform Reasonably Always/ Is It Safe??/ I Am To Be Loved/ Create Create/ delay delay/ As Is Does/ Health And Happiness, Compassion and Forgiveness(??), Do Something Else Sufficiently, Why Is Why And How is How/ Persist(??) Happiness Which Is Satisfaction/ Leaving Assumption To The Act/Support Support/ Do Good To Be (Good)/ Obvious Part Of My Breakdown According to Who, Your Relationship Is In Context During Entertainment (At Theatre With Child), Weighing My Neighbors Attitude, What's An Obvious, Consequence / Is there A time Frame Or Circumstance To Which This Should Be Applied, To Varying Degrees Or Not On Every Subject, Limits And Boundaries, Choice, Could Would Should, Weighing/ It's A Human Right To Have Children Teach One Other That Happiness Is A Real Choice You Make/ choas defies Beginning, Middle, End.../ I Prefer Not To See As A Hardship As Much As Possible, Limiting My Vocabulary Use Even, I Love As Well As Drive Because I Do, Stay Fascinated/ Do demographic Stats Provide/ Self-Teaching Shared Quality/ You Are The Root Of All/ Impression Alive First Even/ What You Seek Is Already Only With You/ It Is A Basic Human Right For Me To Identify Myself As A Human Being By Name Free Of Religious Or Racial Affiliation; While Receiving Treatment From Said Individual As If I Felt Inclined To Identify Myself As Such/ #I Am That I Am#/ Hispanic, Hindu, Maryanne/ Peace And Support Unto The Masses In Every Land Who Is Everyone Of Us For We Are Seeking A Stable Home In This Time/ Actual Value Is According To An Ongoing Self (Governing)/ Precision Unique/ "Feelings, Nothing More Than"/ Learn To Enjoy Cultivating Option While Planning For the Future/ By Participation (In An Issue) I Become That Which Is/ Standard Policy Is/Know You Have A Place- Your Place, Tend To Your Comfort Level/ "If I Ruled The World" You Can Trust Yourself, Yet Still Learn From Others/ You Can Still Trust Sentiment Is Weighed By Action and Outcome; As is Your Reference Defining An Intention Is Pure Acknowledgement Towards the Interwoven Nature Of Significance (As Sustainable) / Keep In Mind There's So Much To Be Done, So Much Good That Only You Will Do One Needs Continous Education To Observe The One Class/ A Proven Presence Among All; Where All Recognize My Role As Contribution Manifest Destiny....The Free Also Dedicate Life To A Cause The Goal (Purpose,War,Jihad) Is To Create Something That Will Live Forever- Giving Heed To Accessible Education For All, Health And Nutrition, Justice And Rehabilitation, Climate Awareness (Eco Friendly).. The Great Call Is To Set The Foundation For All To Share In What We Are (Intellect, Speaker, Musician, Etc.)/ Leadership Consists Of Self Sacrifice For The Gain Of Another When Needed (As Always..Yes??) The Essential Human Practice Is Cultivation Of Option; I Leave Addition To Multiply , Even So I Eat To Eat Again, I Sleep In Order To Awaken Once More Etc./ pessimism Shall Always Be Present In the Equation Until The Persuasion Of Creation And Its' Principle Intercedes (Done Consciously And Naturally) By Investing Into An Existing Product With A Certain Benevolent Express Intention, The Ends Should Stand As A Constant Fixture That Can Be Equated Similar By All Accounts In Regards To The Uniqueness Of Properties Concerned- I Plan on Positive Standings As A Result Of My Actions To My Own Capacity; As It Was, Is, And Shall Be The Serious Matter At Hand/ Compare To Optimal Real/ Active Neutral/ Deliberate Performance Accompanied By Entire Emotion And Compassion/ Can I Ever Be wrong When My Intentions Be Intact And Present Even As An Inherent Effort/ There Is And May Be Right and wrong For You In Context (Law, Personal, In observance, Fundamental Academia/ Reasoning, etc.) Translation In The Form Of Equality (Justice May Be Examined And Found Here) / Recognize One's Options, As regret Having no Permanent Function/ Translation Naturally Being Defined As Structure Tantamount To- Such As God is To Truth, Truth To God, Truth As God, God As Truth (Maybe?circumstance)/ All Translation Exists As That Which Is Defined By The Individual- Here Diversity Shows Itself As "The Fundamental" Human Expression (Logic, Art, Engineering Etc.) Individuality Endorsement/ Awareness/ In Confidence Where Would A "try" Conceptual Equate When There Is Only An Agenda Based In Accomplishment; Personal (Human) Comparison May Show For Which Basis Is Examined, Perhaps/ Look Passed Word Act-RE-Reality=Option/ Overcome If (Accompanied) By Acknowledge/Could=Would=Should/ Identify Reference/Appreciate Actual Assets/ Speculation Meets Interpretation- Examine A Speculation (Validity) As if It Were Rooted In the Possibility Of A Success Which Can Be Interpreted/ The Comparison Of Human Traits Of One Person To Another Need Be Scrutinized In That Factual Manifest Reference Shows That The Latter Exists As The Sole Entity From Which To Draw An Unbiased Innovative Conclusion - Thereby An Continual Inquiry Need Be Regarded In Order To Satisfy Momentary Interpretation To() Maintain Sincerity Of Mutual Respect True For Me Equals True For Everyone=Same=For Every Action The Continuance/Tolerance/This Is Your Life/Communication-Thought, Speech, Act=Same/By Holding I Am Held/ Implication Of A Status Symbol/Free Oppression-My Occupations Pending/Ultimately The Only Possibilty Is World Peace, Odds Taken Into Account Factoring My Own Will To Thrive; The Established Subject Becomes Imminent Unto Itself/ Datum Shows Infinite Unique Possibility/Full Potential/ Operating Circumstance As-A Shared Living/Feeding Responsible-By This I am/WHO CAN PLACE THE VALUE, DIMENSION/ Precise/ SUPPORTSUPPORT /pricetagging Can Be Squaring (Offering Solution) Though Assist to Predict/LiveTruth=Affect;For The Greater Good; Allegiance/PRECISE-Remedy Lay Inside Of Individuality Within A Certain Prescription Perhaps If There Be The Latter/ By Feeding Into A Situation I Hold Responsibility/ By Hold I am Held HopeRun- LungAir:PlantSun:StomachNutrition- I Have To Hope-Hope Run/ Charged With Potential By Current (Situation)-A Specialty Involving The Utilization Of Resources/Expectation, On A Level Concerning Positive Traits Of Human Being Need Be Adjusted So That One Is Allowed Freedom Of Nurturing Healthy Personal Expression (Optimism & Desire)/ Necessity Meets Optimism, Idealogy, Ideal Etc. (Is)/ /Earth Friendly-All Schools Should Be-School/Could Would Should/SCUBA=Self Contained United Breathing Apparatus/ I AM EVERYONE!!! (Christian/Muslim:christian,muslim) This Is It. Saturday 3/28/09 time 11:50 AM - Chris Dia De Marzo- Is a Celebration of World Unity And Of World Peace. The Individual Is Urged To Be In Ones Community As In Personifying A Presenting Of An Offering Of Benevolence During This Time. This Holiday Is Celebrated From The Time Of March Through May To Signify Our Efforts Of Harmonous Living In Recognition Of The Severity of Global Situation Today(Ie, Stability Of Government Relation,Family, Marital Status, Sincerity). Please Keep In Accordance All The While, That Whilst We Do Posses The Strength and Honesty That Mother Nature Has Granted Us, Such As That Of Even The Most Magnificent Of Creature(Ie,Bear), A Certain Degree Of Reverence Need Be Adhered To, Being Watchful, Gazing Through The Home Dwelling Window, Realizing Its Color, Its Purpose, Awesome Want Of Clarity. |
With 7.5 mllion cases of Stalking reported in 2011 alone (http://www.victimsofcrime.org/our-programs/stalking-resource-center/stalking-information/stalking-in-the-news), 19% of 18-24 year olds reporting sexual assaults, and all we see going on around us and experts estimate the abuse is actually 3x's what we document, let's stop the violence, the facts are there, the bombardment upon your home is there- We must act now, save our children, spare others the heartache, speak out, think for yourself, be yourself, fight back. 1in10 girls according to UN have globally suffered from rape (2014)-
The Global Slavery Index 2018 estimates that on any given day in 2016 there were 403,000 people living in conditions of modern slavery in the United States, a prevalence of 1.3 victims of modern slavery for every thousand in the country. https://www.globalslaveryindex.org/2018/findings/country-studies/united-states/
While more research is needed on the scope of human trafficking, below are a few key statistics: The International Labour Organization estimates that there are 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally. 81% of them are trapped in forced labor. https://polarisproject.org/human-trafficking/facts
6 in 10 Immigrants are being sexually assaulted
Be Sure To See Music Vids Posted On Art Page, Great!!..Thank You.
WE'RE DONE WITH THIS!!! https://www.wesaidenough.com/
On October 17, 2017 a group of women leaders in politics in the state of California signed on to an op-ed with the goal of addressing systemic harassment in the workplace, and pledging not to tolerate perpetrators or their enablers. The LA Times ran it, along with thisstory.
The time has come for women to come together, to speak up and to share their stories. The time has come for good men to listen, to believe us, and to act as strong allies by speaking out against harassment in all its forms.
With 7.5 mllion cases of Stalking reported in 2011 alone (http://www.victimsofcrime.org/our-programs/stalking-resource-center/stalking-information/stalking-in-the-news), 19% of 18-24 year olds reporting sexual assaults, and all we see going on around us and experts estimate the abuse is actually 3x's what we document, let's stop the violence, the facts are there, the bombardment upon your home is there- We must act now, save our children, spare others the heartache, speak out, think for yourself, be yourself, fight back. 1in10 girls according to UN have globally suffered from rape (2014)-
The Global Slavery Index 2018 estimates that on any given day in 2016 there were 403,000 people living in conditions of modern slavery in the United States, a prevalence of 1.3 victims of modern slavery for every thousand in the country. https://www.globalslaveryindex.org/2018/findings/country-studies/united-states/
While more research is needed on the scope of human trafficking, below are a few key statistics: The International Labour Organization estimates that there are 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally. 81% of them are trapped in forced labor. https://polarisproject.org/human-trafficking/facts
6 in 10 Immigrants are being sexually assaulted
Be Sure To See Music Vids Posted On Art Page, Great!!..Thank You.
WE'RE DONE WITH THIS!!! https://www.wesaidenough.com/
On October 17, 2017 a group of women leaders in politics in the state of California signed on to an op-ed with the goal of addressing systemic harassment in the workplace, and pledging not to tolerate perpetrators or their enablers. The LA Times ran it, along with thisstory.
The time has come for women to come together, to speak up and to share their stories. The time has come for good men to listen, to believe us, and to act as strong allies by speaking out against harassment in all its forms.
- 6 million women and men in the United States are victims of stalking each year http://www.campussafetymagazine.com/article/Stalking-Stats# for more info https://www.rainn.org/articles/stalking
- "By that definition, 1 percent of women surveyed reported being raped in the previous year, a figure that suggests that 1.3 million American women annually may be victims of rape or attempted" rape..."Endemic"...http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/15/health/nearly-1-in-5-women-in-us-survey-report-sexual-assault.html?_r=0
- 66% of Female Restaurant Workers Report Being Sexually Harassed by Managers!!! http://time.com/3478041/restaurant-sexual-harassment-survey/
- 66% of female and more than half of male restaurant employees reported having been sexually harassed by managers
- 80% of women and 70% of men reported sexual harassment by co-workers
- 78% of women and 55% of men reported sexual harassment by customers
- 50% women 47% men, and 60% trans workers characterized the behavior as “scary” or “unwanted”
- 30% of women, 22% of men, and 40% of transgender workers said inappropriate touching was a “common occurrence”
- A 2006 study by The American Association of University Women indicates the following:
- 62% of female college students report having been sexually harassed at their university, with 80% of the reported harassment being peer-to-peer.
- 51% of male college students admit to sexually harassing someone in college, with 22% admitting to harassing someone often or occasionally.
- About Victims
- 44% of victims are under age 18
- 80% are under age 30
- Learn more victim statistics
Sexual Assault Numbers - Every 107 seconds, another sexual assault occurs
- There is an average of 293,000 instances (victims age 12 or older) of sexual assault each year
- Read more sexual assault numbers
Reporting to Police - 68% of sexual assaults are not reported to the police
- 98% of rapists will never spend a day in jail
- Learn more reporting statistics
About Rapists - Approximately 4/5 of assaults are committed by someone known to the victim
- 47% of rapists are a friend or acquaintance
- Learn more statistics about rapists
- One out of every four students (22%) report being bullied during the school year (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2015).
- 19.6% of high school students in the US report being bullied at school in the past year. 14.8% reported being bullied online (Center for Disease Control, 2014).
- 64 percent of children who were bullied did not report it; only 36 percent reported the bullying (Petrosina, Guckenburg, DeVoe, and Hanson, 2010).
- More than half of bullying situations (57 percent) stop when a peer intervenes on behalf of the student being bullied (Hawkins, Pepler, and Craig, 2001).
- School-based bullying prevention programs decrease bullying by up to 25% (McCallion and Feder, 2013).
- The reasons for being bullied reported most often by students were looks (55%), body shape (37%), and race (16%) (Davis and Nixon, 2010).
- Students who experience bullying are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, and poor school adjustment (Center for Disease Control, 2012).
- Students who bully others are at increased risk for substance use, academic problems, and violence later in adolescence and adulthood (Center for Disease Control, 2012).
- Compared to students who only bully, or who are only victims, students who do both suffer the most serious consequences and are at greater risk for both mental health and behavior problems (Center for Disease Control, 2012).
- Students who experience bullying are twice as likely as non-bullied peers to experience negative health effects such as headaches and stomachaches (Gini and Pozzoli, 2013)
Street harassment is an under-researched topic, but it’s clear from the few studies that exist that it is a significant and prevalent problem.
In 2014, SSH commissioned a 2,000-person national survey in the USA with surveying firm GfK. The survey found that 65% of all women had experienced street harassment. Among all women, 23% had been sexually touched, 20% had been followed, and 9% had been forced to do something sexual. Among men, 25% had been street harassed (a higher percentage of LGBT-identified men than heterosexual men reported this) and their most common form of harassment was homophobic or transphobic slurs (9%). Read more findings.
(***See Now One Page!) Chris Lets Talk About Sex? 3/30/09 12:00 PM Referenced As Most Intimate Act A Human Can Express In Terms Of Physical Expression,Lets Talk. Americas #1 Industry Export Is pornography arguably, Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars Are Spent Every Year In The Us To Feed This So Called "Business". 1 in 3 girls are molested, 1in 6 boys w/ "experts" estimating these numbers in this country to be 3x's higher. About 1 in 5 adult women report being sexually assaulted. Teen pregnancy shows that the children, offspring are at higher health risks and at higher risk for behavioral issues and regularly suffer from time constraints; which is a real quality of life issue for children in situations when the time to aide a child in academics and other skills becomes scarce. We must all fight back with "viable" and continous education. High School Children Are 12x's More Likely to Attempt suicide Who Engage In It. 1 In 5 Sexually Active Adults In College Have STD From It And Are Over 65% More Likely To Drop Out, 50% More Likely To Be expelled And 50% More Likely To Drop Out In High School.All The While Sexual Addiction Is Defined By Ones Willingness To Risk Loss Of Personnal And Business Relationships For Sexual Gratification, Still Wish You Had Time N Money For That Much Needed Rent Payment. Over $100 Billion A Year Is Spent On divorce And Child Support Fees(taxes) A Year In This Country, A Leading "Cause" Said To Be Infidelity. Lets Pay Attention To Our References And How Reference Be Set, While Still Bearing The FAct That 3 Million People Die A Year From AIDS And Another 2.5 Million Are Infected; A side note I suppose-Simultaneously 25 Children Die A Second Due To Starvation And Malnutrition(Eating poison,no water) in addition to the 24,000 deaths occurring daily due to undernourishment. But Hey, we can End This Blurb On THe Shiny Side Of Things, Even Though Millions Of Kids And WOman Are Sexually Trafficked On A Daily Basis From Canada To The Ukraine Down To India And Thailand, Hey We Could Still End World Hunger And Have The Free INsurance 18 People Died For Lack Of This Week In Chicago Alone For, In A Matter Of Months, With The Funds For That Kind Of Entertainment, Nourishing A Responsibility, Toward World Peace Is Assured. Embryonic Stem Cell Research according to many Has had perhaps a minimul or even A 0% Success Rate by account,Sure about Thinking That an abortion should have such a widely acceptey place as allowable as it stands without a major societial reform. Time Is Your Essence. Are There Friend, Who Wish To Comment, Platonic, Loving? Its High Time To Adhere To What My Neighbor Says And Does, Within Reason Of Course, The Propaganda Of The "It's My Bedroom" Age Is Over, Its Now To Be Sensible, The 40 Year Old Free Love Age Is Found To Be Unrealstic, Idealistic, And Downright Dangerous And Wasteful. We all have to deal with one another's personalities, are we so inclined to operate in manner so discreet as to veil such aspects of ourselves, are we not defined by these traits. I Know There Were Good Intent For You, But Its Time To Mature And Let MAture, In The Way We Know How,...With Reality. Let Freedom Ring. Freedom.
For All People Who Needed Peace Instead Of Arm: Now One-SOON TO POST CURRENT EVENT STORY (covering politics to World News)...Stay IN Tune...POSTED September 26, 2013- Do Good to Being..(Good?) Here are some facts to help you in activism to defend yourself.************************************** So-"FOR NOW" -('Experts' estimate the number of incidents is 3X's Greater Than actually Reported):**In the U.S. **E'vry 10 seconds a child is abused;E'ry 1in 3 girls Will be sexually molested Before the age Of 18, 1 in E'ry 6 Boys; The "typical" Child sex offender Molests an average of 117 children; Only 2/3 of incidents were investigated; Suicide is the third Leading Cause of death among 15-24 Year Olds (please refer to site for facts concerning the suicide rate and disease among sexually active teens and adults, insanity!);1 in 3 Street children in Alaska are used for sexual human trafficking; A recent Chicago Red Eye story (4-01-11) reports that a study by Thomson Reuters states that 18% of teen girls age 13-18 filled prescriptions for oral contraceptives in 2009; Abuse is 14x's Higher if The child is Living with a Biological Mother Who Lives Alone, 20X's if the child is living with a biological Father Who's Living Alone. 33x's Higher if the child is Living With A Mother Who Is living With a Man; According to Global Award Documentary 1in 3 "lesbians" Report To Have been raped By Another Woman Of Not OF Any Intimate Relational Communication; Though, I still have yet to meet A female person in my own experience upon the discussion of said topic, who has not been sexually assaulted or raped at all by man or woman- many incidents happen at the hands of ones own peer and even sibling incident has now become "epic".***An average of 23,000 Missing Person's Reports Are Filed On A Monthly Basis..50,000 children were reported missing in the U.S. last year alone..**One Of tHe Highest crime And Violent cRimE Rates In a "1st World" Country ReMains THe World OVeR...Uncountable amounts of dollars spent on law enforcement and public surveillance cameras for the individuals squandering crime act can this compare? (worship-To give worth) 1 in 4 people have been stalked in their lifetime, 1in 5 have reportedly been harassed in one form or another. "Stop The Silence".. (Teen pregnancy carries increased risk of blindness, dyslexia, Add, Adhd, retardation, anxiety and deformation among other increased risks.)
Teachers in Chicago report that 40-60% of elementary school students in their classes have behavioral and learning disabilities, according to a FOX News update aired in November '09. Family Bridges Chicago reports that 47% of high school students dropout;11,188 teenage girls give birth in 2008; $1.95 billion cost to Illinois taxpayers yearly for teenage births and dropouts. That being said, I hope we all look further into today's accessible activities for our children whilst teaching the life skill of truly occupying one's time. For as we now know, raising a child does require a whole society. What with television and internet addiction along with the average age of 10-12 being the coming of age for sexual activity for our children, its time to access the facts concerning the issue of not blowing off how strong an impact can be rooted in any form of influence. When all evidence points to a trend so alarming and staggering as we face today, it's high time to recognize the seriousness of what's being shown, even and especially when the face of ethics among children and all reach a point such as we are however speedily the pace may have been to get us here. Bearing in mind and attesting to the learned lesson of bigotry being a two edged sword, laying at each end of any debate, let us take action now, action through education, action through moral stances based upon humanistic datum, action in the form of proactive ethical behavior which have a proven record of the development of individual humanity. Let us acknowledge rights and truths, what life skills have been cultivated in your journey, so that we may all continue to pass on awareness and compassion for our world as the inseparable dwelling that is. Blessing and tidings to all. I write this site in honor of innocence....
85% of the millions of documented cases of stalking which is a felony (punishable by over 1 year in prison); involved the unwanted presence and forceful intrusion of another individual into a victim's life at the rate of about one time a week. Stalking can be the act of appearing in a fashion that is unwanted and uninvited that involves aforethought or not on the part of the perpetrator as he or she lay in wait and forces their presence upon another. Phone calls and live interactions face-to-face have all formed the basis for convictions of this violations of person. Since the 1990's after celebrity stalkings were noticed officially by the criminal justice system as an infraction- the ensuing anti-stalking laws were then passed with stalking as being a felonious deed, millions of cases are reported annually in the U.S. with close to 3 million cases reported during the first year of the law's passing..Assault is the mere promise of a threat or phrasing that is cause for fear or is the source of an abusive treatment by verbal means. Fighting words and profanity as well as lewd conduct as an individual interprets the actual context of a situation makes for the justification of a 911 call for assault. Educate yourself and look for in-depth art informations.
(cRIME?): A survey of the world's leading crime report journals of notoriety throughout Europe and the world over is known to dedicate only 3% of it's stories in order to shed light upon big corporate or corporate crime also known as white collar crime..At the same token it is widely acknowledged that upwards of 90% of all toxic wastes are disposed of in an illegal fashion..In the early 1990's the U.S. Department of Commenrce estimated that one in five businesses closed due employee theft and embezzlement. Present day experts have placed the incident rate at about between 72 and 90 percent of all workers who supplement their incomes in illegal ways. Employees also on average steal far more from businesses than shoplifters, burglars, or robbers. A quarter of 500 small businesses have caught employees stealing (Irwin, 2003)..We need to talk of these issues to come about a resolution towards addressing these issues at the root of these epic activities that are occurring among us- all of us. I would love to have some further assistance via first hand or any communications for that matter-with we who would enlighten others with information on such topic of interest. This is an issue taking place in the home this is where we deal with such.
(rACE?): White Caucasions in a recent reuters poll have in "their" population only %40 of we who have friends of "other" races w/ us blacks or African Americans as we may prefer tallying in at a mere 30%. I really only have but to wonder what another may gain as far as insight is concerned when one should come upon stats as described within the confines of this study though I pray that positive resolve may be cultivated. As for myself I must admit that I have more often than not been considered by those around me to exist by a disposition of a certain prescribed classification that being one of "minority". Within the context of my own life experience my good fortune has consisted of being raised in an urban environment populated by the masses of other so-called minority..Though in lifetime I have witnessed what has conferred as a consistent atmosphere comprised of percieved tensions of various sorts perhaps which would not be to the exclusion of racially charged sentiments; I share compassion. However, perhaps due to empirical nature of my upbringing I still want for any genuine answers on grounds for the perpetuation of any legitimate fostering of prejudices towards any group of persons or individual that would contain any iota of an element of hostility. That being said my own experience has gleamed insight into the working of personal choice when dealing with said subject; those who would claim minority status and those that would under pretense be in a position of the religious exponent and the like by all recollection has on the majority (if separating such incident as such) of questionable instance of my accounting; been suspect to crossing and impeding the line of ethically acceptable behavior as outlined in many a criminal justice proceeding even- standards of group acceptance has varied in an unhealthy way among some I have encountered I do admit. Along with the fact that holding an allegiance to all whilst preferring to forego any acceptance to any given set of racial or religious identity standards has often times left me in a position where dealing with personal fear of exclusion and persecution seemed unavoidable. Love and patience show the only promise to be the basis as an answer for all things. May we who invest in understanding and inclusion of benevolence in all of our doings be ever-present; wherever needed as would be the place where one should stand- Amen. Let's talk further..
https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/minneapolis-police-fired-george-floyd-192604821.html Here is a comment I posted on yahoo to a story I've been following; I hope to address with respect for all involved so that dialogue may be cultivated toward equal treatments of people from all professions and education levels. My heart yearns to be peacemaker and is filled with the desire to always communicate with another in ways that only establish peace and the ability to always adapt these ways in order to do so. Restorative justice now, community responsibility in active leadership participation now, no more aggression from anywhere- whole truth and validation from all now, transparency and mutual support for all circumstances in all communities now!! Coordination from all parties on every issue every time now, end violence now, end scapegoating and suppression of inter-sectionality now and forever!!
"What a tragedy. Lets all take this moment to recognize this situation for what it is. A complete tragedy. A sign of the the times definitely, to an extent, a sign of police tyranny, possibly on the part of the individual officer or officers involved, possibly to an extent, or fear. Excessive force, yes!!! Lets keep this situation in context, when was the last time any of us has witnessed a marked police car driving that wasn't being swerved at possibly causing likely damages, or a group or individuals at any local not seemingly giving chase as any law enforcement visible even physically moves. Over 6 million stalking cases yearly, over half of workers in numerous industries coming forward with sexual assault allegations and over half claim this is their daily environment. CDC reports sexual assault incidents of men only having single digit higher differences of female perpetrators. Human trafficking victims number in the millions in this country with obvious parallels in our underpaid workforce, putting normal everyday people in risk of such similar circumstance. Immigrants are dying en mass and exploited and sold for everything from produce to varied servitude. Modern slavery surpasses much acknowledged calls for action. We the people must accept our places in the upholding of a democratic society and the process of advocacy and law. The choice is yours, you must want to have justice and happiness. You must be in the place were we interact with all people of all occupations as humans to cultivate and truly be equal as intelligent human beings. Occupational discrimination, discrimination period, not being able to approach any social justice or behavioral or civil rights issues from everyone is our main issue now, Our hardships and morals and love have shown an entire gamut of experiences contained in all of our lives, from freedom to slavery, to tyranny to liberator, this is all literally all of our first hand experience and our family's. Address the situation as a whole, we need to recognize and develop the platform so that these circumstances are always in question; the mayor, churches, judges, we all need your help to empower the admittance of this tragic situation at hand, you need your help. Support support, advocate to sustain, and only advocate, for all, always."
Teachers in Chicago report that 40-60% of elementary school students in their classes have behavioral and learning disabilities, according to a FOX News update aired in November '09. Family Bridges Chicago reports that 47% of high school students dropout;11,188 teenage girls give birth in 2008; $1.95 billion cost to Illinois taxpayers yearly for teenage births and dropouts. That being said, I hope we all look further into today's accessible activities for our children whilst teaching the life skill of truly occupying one's time. For as we now know, raising a child does require a whole society. What with television and internet addiction along with the average age of 10-12 being the coming of age for sexual activity for our children, its time to access the facts concerning the issue of not blowing off how strong an impact can be rooted in any form of influence. When all evidence points to a trend so alarming and staggering as we face today, it's high time to recognize the seriousness of what's being shown, even and especially when the face of ethics among children and all reach a point such as we are however speedily the pace may have been to get us here. Bearing in mind and attesting to the learned lesson of bigotry being a two edged sword, laying at each end of any debate, let us take action now, action through education, action through moral stances based upon humanistic datum, action in the form of proactive ethical behavior which have a proven record of the development of individual humanity. Let us acknowledge rights and truths, what life skills have been cultivated in your journey, so that we may all continue to pass on awareness and compassion for our world as the inseparable dwelling that is. Blessing and tidings to all. I write this site in honor of innocence....
85% of the millions of documented cases of stalking which is a felony (punishable by over 1 year in prison); involved the unwanted presence and forceful intrusion of another individual into a victim's life at the rate of about one time a week. Stalking can be the act of appearing in a fashion that is unwanted and uninvited that involves aforethought or not on the part of the perpetrator as he or she lay in wait and forces their presence upon another. Phone calls and live interactions face-to-face have all formed the basis for convictions of this violations of person. Since the 1990's after celebrity stalkings were noticed officially by the criminal justice system as an infraction- the ensuing anti-stalking laws were then passed with stalking as being a felonious deed, millions of cases are reported annually in the U.S. with close to 3 million cases reported during the first year of the law's passing..Assault is the mere promise of a threat or phrasing that is cause for fear or is the source of an abusive treatment by verbal means. Fighting words and profanity as well as lewd conduct as an individual interprets the actual context of a situation makes for the justification of a 911 call for assault. Educate yourself and look for in-depth art informations.
(cRIME?): A survey of the world's leading crime report journals of notoriety throughout Europe and the world over is known to dedicate only 3% of it's stories in order to shed light upon big corporate or corporate crime also known as white collar crime..At the same token it is widely acknowledged that upwards of 90% of all toxic wastes are disposed of in an illegal fashion..In the early 1990's the U.S. Department of Commenrce estimated that one in five businesses closed due employee theft and embezzlement. Present day experts have placed the incident rate at about between 72 and 90 percent of all workers who supplement their incomes in illegal ways. Employees also on average steal far more from businesses than shoplifters, burglars, or robbers. A quarter of 500 small businesses have caught employees stealing (Irwin, 2003)..We need to talk of these issues to come about a resolution towards addressing these issues at the root of these epic activities that are occurring among us- all of us. I would love to have some further assistance via first hand or any communications for that matter-with we who would enlighten others with information on such topic of interest. This is an issue taking place in the home this is where we deal with such.
(rACE?): White Caucasions in a recent reuters poll have in "their" population only %40 of we who have friends of "other" races w/ us blacks or African Americans as we may prefer tallying in at a mere 30%. I really only have but to wonder what another may gain as far as insight is concerned when one should come upon stats as described within the confines of this study though I pray that positive resolve may be cultivated. As for myself I must admit that I have more often than not been considered by those around me to exist by a disposition of a certain prescribed classification that being one of "minority". Within the context of my own life experience my good fortune has consisted of being raised in an urban environment populated by the masses of other so-called minority..Though in lifetime I have witnessed what has conferred as a consistent atmosphere comprised of percieved tensions of various sorts perhaps which would not be to the exclusion of racially charged sentiments; I share compassion. However, perhaps due to empirical nature of my upbringing I still want for any genuine answers on grounds for the perpetuation of any legitimate fostering of prejudices towards any group of persons or individual that would contain any iota of an element of hostility. That being said my own experience has gleamed insight into the working of personal choice when dealing with said subject; those who would claim minority status and those that would under pretense be in a position of the religious exponent and the like by all recollection has on the majority (if separating such incident as such) of questionable instance of my accounting; been suspect to crossing and impeding the line of ethically acceptable behavior as outlined in many a criminal justice proceeding even- standards of group acceptance has varied in an unhealthy way among some I have encountered I do admit. Along with the fact that holding an allegiance to all whilst preferring to forego any acceptance to any given set of racial or religious identity standards has often times left me in a position where dealing with personal fear of exclusion and persecution seemed unavoidable. Love and patience show the only promise to be the basis as an answer for all things. May we who invest in understanding and inclusion of benevolence in all of our doings be ever-present; wherever needed as would be the place where one should stand- Amen. Let's talk further..
https://www.yahoo.com/huffpost/minneapolis-police-fired-george-floyd-192604821.html Here is a comment I posted on yahoo to a story I've been following; I hope to address with respect for all involved so that dialogue may be cultivated toward equal treatments of people from all professions and education levels. My heart yearns to be peacemaker and is filled with the desire to always communicate with another in ways that only establish peace and the ability to always adapt these ways in order to do so. Restorative justice now, community responsibility in active leadership participation now, no more aggression from anywhere- whole truth and validation from all now, transparency and mutual support for all circumstances in all communities now!! Coordination from all parties on every issue every time now, end violence now, end scapegoating and suppression of inter-sectionality now and forever!!
"What a tragedy. Lets all take this moment to recognize this situation for what it is. A complete tragedy. A sign of the the times definitely, to an extent, a sign of police tyranny, possibly on the part of the individual officer or officers involved, possibly to an extent, or fear. Excessive force, yes!!! Lets keep this situation in context, when was the last time any of us has witnessed a marked police car driving that wasn't being swerved at possibly causing likely damages, or a group or individuals at any local not seemingly giving chase as any law enforcement visible even physically moves. Over 6 million stalking cases yearly, over half of workers in numerous industries coming forward with sexual assault allegations and over half claim this is their daily environment. CDC reports sexual assault incidents of men only having single digit higher differences of female perpetrators. Human trafficking victims number in the millions in this country with obvious parallels in our underpaid workforce, putting normal everyday people in risk of such similar circumstance. Immigrants are dying en mass and exploited and sold for everything from produce to varied servitude. Modern slavery surpasses much acknowledged calls for action. We the people must accept our places in the upholding of a democratic society and the process of advocacy and law. The choice is yours, you must want to have justice and happiness. You must be in the place were we interact with all people of all occupations as humans to cultivate and truly be equal as intelligent human beings. Occupational discrimination, discrimination period, not being able to approach any social justice or behavioral or civil rights issues from everyone is our main issue now, Our hardships and morals and love have shown an entire gamut of experiences contained in all of our lives, from freedom to slavery, to tyranny to liberator, this is all literally all of our first hand experience and our family's. Address the situation as a whole, we need to recognize and develop the platform so that these circumstances are always in question; the mayor, churches, judges, we all need your help to empower the admittance of this tragic situation at hand, you need your help. Support support, advocate to sustain, and only advocate, for all, always."