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For All People Who Needed Peace Instead Of Arm: Now One-SOON TO POST CURRENT EVENT STORY (covering politics to World News)...Stay IN Tune...POSTED March 7th, 2021- Do Good to Being..(Good?) Facts to help you in activism to defend yourself ************************************** So-"FOR NOW" -('Experts' estimate the number of incidents is 3X's Greater Than actually Reported):**In the U.S. **E'vry 10 seconds a child is abused;E'ry 1in 3 girls Will be sexually molested Before the age Of 18, 1 in E'ry 6 Boys; The "typical" Child sex offender Molests an average of 117 children; Only 2/3 of incidents were investigated; Suicide is the third Leading Cause of death among 15-24 Year Olds (please refer to site for facts concerning the suicide rate and disease among sexually active teens and adults, insanity!);1 in 3 Street children in Alaska are used for sexual human trafficking; A recent Chicago Red Eye story (4-01-11) reports that a study by Thomson Reuters states that 18% of teen girls age 13-18 filled prescriptions for oral contraceptives in 2009; Abuse is 14x's Higher if The child is Living with a Biological Mother Who Lives Alone, 20X's if the child is living with a biological Father Who's Living Alone, 33x's Higher if the child is Living With A Mother Who Is living With a Man; According to Global Award Documentary 1in 3 "lesbians" Report To Have been raped By Another Woman Of Not OF Any Intimate Relational Communication; Though, I still have yet to meet A female person in my own experience upon the discussion of said topic, who has not been sexually assaulted or raped at all by man or woman- many incidents happen at the hands of ones own peer and even sibling incident has now become "epic".***An average of 23,000 Missing Person's Reports Are Filed On A Monthly Basis..50,000 children were reported missing in the U.S. last year alone..**One Of tHe Highest crime And Violent cRimE Rates in a "1st World Country" ReMains THe World OVeR...Uncountable amounts of dollars spent on law enforcement and public surveillance cameras for the individuals squandering crime act can this compare? (worship-To give worth) 1 in 4 people have been stalked in their lifetime, 1in 5 have reportedly been harassed in one form or another. "Stop The Silence".. (Teen pregnancy carries increased risk of blindness, dyslexia, Add, retardation, anxiety and deformation among other increased risks.) Teachers in Chicago report that 40-60% of elementary school students in their classes have behavioral and learning disabilities, according to a FOX News update aired in November '09. Family Bridges Chicago reports that 47% of high school students dropout;11,188 teenage girls give birth in 2008; $1.95 billion cost to Illinois taxpayers yearly for teenage births and dropouts. That being said, I hope we all look further into today's accessible activities for our children whilst teaching the life skill of truly occupying one's time. For as we now know, raising a child does require a whole society. What with television and internet addiction along with the average age of 10-12 being the coming of age for sexual activity for our children, its time to access the facts concerning the issue of not blowing off how strong an impact can be rooted in any form of influence. When all evidence points to a trend so alarming and staggering as we face today, it's high time to recognize the seriousness of what's being shown, even and especially when the face of ethics among children and all reach a point such as we are however speedily the pace may have been to get us here. Bearing in mind and attesting to the learned lesson of bigotry being a two edged sword, laying at each end of any debate, let us take action now, action through education, action through moral stances based upon humanistic datum, action in the form of proactive ethical behavior which have a proven record of the development of individual humanity. Let us acknowledge rights and truths, what life skills have been cultivated in your journey, so that we may all continue to pass on awareness and compassion for our world as the inseparable dwelling that is. Blessing and tidings to all. I write this site in honor of innocence.... |