Labelism- There Must Be For There To Be/Create Create/ Leaving Assumption To The Act/Support Support/ Do Good To Be Good/ Look Passed Word Act-RE-Reality=Option/True ...
(Always feel free to volunteer by spreading this site's address and info.THANK U) Email Chris @- [email protected] Or P.O. Box 2566 Chgo, IL 60690
Art Body/Our-Story- There is quite the unique story involved with the development of the principals I have written on this site. It is believed in my heart that it be original work posted here, which I am happy to say drew its' independence of coming into being through my own pondering, having yet to actualize my thoughts into a working coordination towards other belief systems and the other great works of various schools of thought previously in existence; as I do Today. Although one can indeed clearly see the realistic quality of unity towards Abrahamic, Yogic, and Relative Lifestyle, this body of work presents, it was actually after writing the principles herein that I would make correlation involving actual religious and humanist system of belief, yes belief. I now have a number of certifications in related area and an A.S. in Psychology though also am finished with a second degree. My personal practice does also now include study of numerous world religions and meditation, I am happy to say; The style of which being of an origin dating back to over 1000's of yr. ago! Ya'shua(Jesus), Psycholgy, Constitutional Justice, Wu Dang ("TAOism"), Shoalin ("Chi Kung"), Even the people of Franciscan monestary as well as Guru Nanak and respect for others endorsing Marion type Apparition influence my heartfelt sentiments and core belief system,which I Should say does now incorporate the Prophet Muhaamed's teaching, along with Krsna consciousness. There's a whole world here guys, why place a price tag on my practicality?(Is what I SAy.) .......................................................................................................... Yes, there are many paths to achieve strength of mind and body, though the means be on a singular outlet- oneself. Positive thinking, Taiji , yoga, meditation, visualization, assertion, all can provide a much needed flexible datum point for one's stamina in the spiritual as well as mental realms of endurance. The power of resolution may also be strengthened here in order to put these principles into a working habit. Proficiency in life skill is the personal aim, humanity. Drawing and practice of musical instrumentation can be quite rewarding I dare say, with my given testament toward lengthy harmonic session giving sway to my outlook on the matter. Love is my answer, love. I do adoration, as an art to be incorporated alongside other endevours. Benevolence, as we as a society have now seen and proven, is just as important an aspect of sustainable living as is green peace and work occupation. The need to be sincere in these efforts stands to continously heeded. My quest for further development with these very principles continues with an education of UNiversity level Psychology as well as criminal justice. The "going public" of these sites I have developed are sure to have an impact on many a life I believe, if allowed. When I do in fact do so I only hope that I will be counted as a worthy source of inspiration on a certain level; which should be understood as being of a resource brought to fruition so that the likes of which may cultivate individuality and the attainment thereof through a peaceful and unique personal wholesight method .